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Actualise your performance potential through mind, body and breath

Internationally Certified High Performance Coach

Entrepreneur, Investor, Youth & Psychedelics Expert

Get your copy of Breach now!

Get your copy of BREACH now! Learn how the next generation is consciously disrupting the world.

Ronen Aires Book Break

Meet Ronen Aires

The pain of my past wounds has become the secret to my success as a mental wellness leader and entrepreneur.

I believe this to be true for many of us. Success is not a straight line, it comes at a price – and if we’re not conscious while we take the journey, we may miss the lesson. 

Our pain often manifests as anxiety, depression, addiction, and anger. This affects our work, our relationships,

our energy and, even at times, our belief system. I believe that the more we heal ourselves, the better we perform,

the braver we become and the more resources we nurture to, in turn, heal the world.

Everything I do is driven from the same intention: helping entrepreneurs, seekers and leaders find their mental magic while they make sense of their trip-ups. Through various coaching techniques, I customise your experience to help you, your teams and your loved ones fast track your human potential to become the clearest version of yourself – so you can leap, fly, soar - and do whatever it is you came here to do. 

Reasons to Connect


High Performance





Workshops and



Youth Expertise

Ronen Aires New Book Breach

How the next generation 
are consciously disrupting the world

We are constantly surrounded by chaos. The world is complicated and ever-changing. Young people looking at the world they are inheriting, are standing up and shouting, “Hell no!”

Generation Z is primed to breach the status quo.

They aim to disrupt the establishment and define life on their own terms, with their collective values leading the way. This innovative group of youth is destined to change the workplace, the concept of leadership and the way we connect with one another. As their elders, we have a choice to make: fight this change or embrace it. I would even argue that we help them.

Ronen’s past 2 retreats have been extraordinary! It’s hard to put into words the healing effect of 3 days in nature with amazing people sharing once-in-a-lifetime experiences & conversations. I now do yoga daily at home and have introduced it at my company too!

Ryan Bacher - CEO Netflorist

Ronen is the Zen master. Somehow witnessing him speak got me intensely motivated and completely chilled all at the same time. His unparalleled insight into human behaviour and altered states of consciousness sets him apart from any speaker I have ever seen.

Mike Stopforth - Beyond Binary

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